JCSM Shareware Collection 1997 February
JCSM Shareware Collection February 1997 Best of (JCS Marketing)(February 1997).bin
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T h e P r o g r a m F o r
N u m e r o l o g i c a l A n a l y s i s
For IBM PC and Compatibles
User Manual
Effective Date: November 15, 1994
(C) Copyright 1992-1993 By Christopher J. Noyes
License For Use.............................4
New to Numerology?..........................5
Introduction to NUMERO UNO..................6
System Requirements.........................8
Conventions used in this Manual.............9
Installing NUMERO UNO......................10
Starting Up NUMERO UNO.....................14
Command Line Options.......................17
Using Screens and Menus....................18
Using Macros...............................24
Entering and Editing Data..................26
Compiling Reports..........................29
Viewing and Printing the Results...........31
NUMERO UNO Utilities.......................38
Using Options..............................40
Modifying the Text Source..................49
Handling Errors............................52
Table of Numerological Vibrations..........55
Glossary of Numerological Terms............57
Glossary of Computer Terms.................60
Page 2
You have the right to use this package on any one computer at
a given time. You may copy this package for installation,
archival or for backup purposes only. This is copy-righted
software, you may not give copies of it to anyone without my
written permission. You may, though, provide other people with
copies of the shareware trial package, that you probably used
before you bought this software.
This does not give you the right to market charts produced
with this program without my permission. If you use these charts
as a part of a professional Numerology consulting service, there
are no restrictions in charging for services.
Christopher J. Noyes
If I cannot to resolve any problems you have with NUMERO UNO
I will refund your money. You must return this manual and all
disks and this manual that I shipped you when you registered.
While I have made every attempt to assure that NUMERO UNO
works properly, I am not responsible for any damage, loss of
profit, or other losses caused by NUMERO UNO.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545
Grover Road, Muskegon, MI USA 49442-9427, Fax 616-788-2765,
or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP
Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Page 3
If you did not purchase NUMERO UNO directly from Me, I
suggest first trying to get support from the company you bought
NUMERO UNO from. If they are unable to solve your problem, I will
be happy to help you.
For technical support on NUMERO UNO:
* Call me at (728) 625-2262 between the hours of 10:30 A.M. and
4:30 P.M. (EST), any day. If I am not available, please leave a
message, I will call you back as soon as I can.
* Contact me on Compuserve Mail using the ID 71570,3055.
* Contact me on America On-Line using the ID CJNoyesSW.
* Contact me on The Internet using 71570.3055@compuserve.com or
* Contact me on ILINK bulletin board systems using the name
Chris Noyes.
* FAX Me At (718) 625-6766.
* Contact me by Mail at the address below.
144 Union Street--Store A
Brooklyn, NY 11231.
Page 4
N E W T O N U M E R O L O G Y ?
To get the most out of this program you need some
understanding of astrology.
A Glossary of Numerology terms is in the back of this manual.
You might also want to do some background reading. I suggest the
following books:
Florence Campbell, M.A., Published by DeVors Publications,
Marina del Rey, CA, 1931, 1958.
by DeVors Publications , Marina del Rey, CA, 1965, 1988,
1978, 1989.
Roquemore, Published by Perennial Library, Harper & Row
Publishers, New York, 1965.
Page 5
WHAT IS NUMEROLOGY? Christopher John Noyes on March
Numerology is the science of 29, 1958. for those people
numbers. In Numerology, each Astrologically inclined. I
number has a vibration, or was born on March 29, 1958 at
feeling to it. Each letter in approximately 3:45 am in Peter-
the alphabet has a vibration borough N.H.
relating to a number. By
analyzing the numbers in your CAVEAT.
birth date in combination with I have one major reservation in
those of your name, you can the publication of this
analyze yourself. program. In doing research on
AUTHOR'S BACKGROUND. Numerology, I have found
I initially started programming conflicts between authors,
in 1985 using a Commodore 128 terminology and schools of
computer. I got started writing thought. This program may use a
astrology software, just as a Numerology term differently
challenge to myself. For lack than you may use it.
of good tools started If you have any questions
programming on the IBM PC and on the definitions of terms,
compatibles. please refer to the Glossary of
I wrote the Astrology Numerology Terms in the back of
program ASTRO. Those who are this manual.
familiar with ASTRO will find
easy to use as it uses the same NUMERO produces several types
user interface as ASTRO. I like of reports. With each report,
to product software that is you can:
both easy to use, reliable and * View the report.
fun. I think you will find that * Print the report.
NUMERO has all these * Convert it to a file for use
attributes. with your word processer.
WHY THE NAME. NUMERO also has two interactive
I call the program Numero Uno, calendar screens so you can see
because my Destiny or Birth the numerological influences of
Path number is a 1. The any day in a month and year.
expression number based on the
name I use most now Christopher NUMERO PRODUCES
J. Noyes is also a Number 1. It * A Personality Report that
also makes sense with my Aries analyzes your birth date and
Sun Sign. names and interprets the
ABOUT THE AUTHOR. * A Numeric Personality Report,
In case you are interested in which analyzes the data, but
analyzing me, I was born does not interpret it.
Page 6
* An interpreted Transit report date, so is more or less
which analyzes the effects of unique, but a Universal
each number on each year of Calendar for a given month will
your life. be the same regardless of birth
* A Numeric Transit report, date.
similar to the above, but These calendars are
with no interpretations. presented in an attractive
* Personal Calendars. readable format, and can take
* Universal Calendars. advantage of 24 pin and laser
printer advanced features.
NUMERO Calculates the Interactive Calendars are
following numbers in doing it's also provided. Using the
analysis of your birth date: Interactive calendar, you can
* Destiny Number or Birth Path. scroll through months, looking
* Sun Sign. at specific days, to see the
* Challenges. effect of each day and see how
* Life Cycles. they relate to you. These
* Pinacles or Turning Points. displays use popup screens to
show, the text related to each
NUMERO Calculates the day, and year.
following numbers in doing it's Users who are knowledgeable
analysis of your birth and in Numerology can replace the
current name: text to customize the reports
* Expression. to reflect your knowledge and
* Motivation. point of view.
* Inner Self. NUMERO UNO supports all
* Karmic Lessons. major printer types and can
* Listings of elements. take advantage of many features
* Listing of Planes of such as fonts and color.
Expression. You can convert the reports
* Listing of Numbers. into word processing files
* Essence Numbers in Transit which can be easily imported
Reports. into most word processors.
You can save data from the
You can also generate program to a file so that it
personal and universal can be used at a later time, so
calendars for any range of you don't have to retype the
months. A personal calendar is information.
directly related to your birth
Page 7
Though NUMERO UNO is a flexible system and can be run on a number
of different type of systems, it does have some hardware
NUMERO requires at least an NUMERO UNO is compatible
IBM-PC (or at least a close with most graphics adapter
compatible or BIOS Compatible cards.
computer) running either MS-DOS
or PC-DOS version 3.0 or later. PRINTER.
NUMERO UNO directly supports
MEMORY. many different printers, as
NUMERO works best on a system most printers are compatible
with 640k of memory, though it with either the Epson/IBM dot
can run on a system with as matrix printer standard, or are
little as 512k. If LIM/EMS compatible with the Hewlett
expanded memory or extended Packard PCL Standard.
memory, NUMERO will use it to NUMERO UNO supports both 9
run faster. and 24 pin Epson/IBM compatible
NUMERO will work well with printers, both black and white
other EMS, and XMS providers and color.
with some adjustments that may NUMERO UNO also supports
be needed. If NUMERO won't Hewlett Packard LaserJet,
start due to an extended memory DeskJet, PaintJet and
problem, you will need to compatible printers, as well as
manually allocate 75-100k of the Canon Laser printers.
XMS by making adjustments to Other printers are
your memory provider's command indirectly supported, by the
line. user typing in codes into data
screens or the graphics setup
NUMERO, does not require a hard This version supports many
disk, but will run better on a advanced printing features such
system with a hard disk. Numero as color and multiple fonts.
Uno on floppies requires one
1.44MB 3-1/2", one 1.2MB 5-1/2"
or two 720kb 3-1/4" diskettes.
Page 8
This section describes the conventions that are used in this
ALL CAPS.................System command, or command line to type
at the DOS Command Line.
A:.......................Disk Drive Letter, or other Device.
A:\<Directory Name>\<File> Path Name.
.........................Previous Directory
.........................Current Directory
\<Directory Name>\<File>.Path Name, beginning at root directory,
or start of current disk drive.
FILENAME.EXT.............A file name can consist of up to eight
letters, a '.' and a three letter
'Key Name' ..............A Key on the keyboard to press.
{ALT}....................Hold Down the ALT key on your keyboard.
{CNTL}...................Hold Down the CNTL or Control key on
your keyboard.
{SHIFT}..................Hold Down the Shift key on your
{Fn}.....................A Function Key for example {F1} means
press the F1 key at the Top or Left of
your keyboard.
{ALT}+'A'................Hold Down the ALT key, and press the 'A'
key on your keyboard.
Page 9
Most people will probably be able to run the install program and
go. But, If you wish to, you can easily change the configuration
using the setup screen in the options menu.
I M P O R T A N T !
YOU MUST RUN THE INSTALL FILES=20 and no more. The two
PROGRAM. values should be considered
Before you start using NUMERO minimum. On most systems you
UNO, make backup copies so the may be able to use more, though
original master diskettes are check your DOS manual just to
not destroyed or harmed. This be sure. If you are in the main
way you can make additional directory on your startup disk
copies if the original is you can see the CONFIG.SYS file
damaged. by typing TYPE CONFIG.SYS
This is particularly {ENTER}.
important to floppy disk users,
though hard disk users will FLOPPY DISK BASICS.
probably want to make a backup Floppy disks come in several
as well, and put the original different varieties, so it is
away in a safe place after important to buy the right type
copying the master diskettes to for your computer, though the
your hard disk. brand doesn't really matter as
You should check to see long as you buy a high quality
that your CONFIG.SYS file has diskette. You should usually
the two entries FILES= and buy "Double Sided" diskettes.
BUFFERS= in it. This file is Single sided diskettes are
usually found in your root actually two sided, but the
directory or your startup second side has not been
floppy disk. tested.
This file can be edited Before any of the following
with any editor that will edit operations, make sure the
and produce a straight ASCII diskette is securely in the
file. drive before closing the latch.
You should have a line in The label on the disk should be
the CONFIG. SYS has the entry facing up when you insert the
FILES=12 and BUFFERS=10. The disk in the drive.
numbers are not important as
long as you have more than
these numbers in the file. If
these are not present in your
file, you should add them or
alter them so you have at least
these values. If you are using
MS-DOS or PC-DOS 2.1 or less
you will only be able to set
Page 10
------------------------------- all the files on this disk to a
IMPORTANT: Handle floppy disks different type of disk
with care, they are easily The general format for the
damaged. Never write on a copy command is COPY source
floppy disk with a ball point [destination] {ENTER}, where
pen as that can damage the source and destination are the
disk. Keep the disk away from source diskette and file name,
magnetic fields such a TV sets, and destination is the
motors and telephones, as the destination diskette or disk
disk may be erased by them. Do drive and path. Destination is
not put your finger on the disk optional. For example if you
area itself and keep cigarettes are using the A: drive and
and food away from your disks. want to copy the file
Disk Formatting. MYCHART.TXT from the B: drive
Disk formatting initializes a to the A: drive you would type
blank disk ready for use by one of the following examples.
your computer. * COPY B:MYCHART.TXT {ENTER}.
------------------------------- * COPY B:MYCHART.TXT A:
To format a floppy disk: At {ENTER}.
the DOS prompt ("A>" or any * COPY B:MYCHART.TXT
other letter followed by the A:MYCHART.TXT {ENTER}.
'>' mark. type FORMAT All of the three would be
A:{ENTER}. equivalent. If you want to
change the name of the
DISK COPYING. destination file, you would use
Copying a disk will make an the third example.
exact copy of a floppy disk. If you wanted to copy all
To copy a disk: At the DOS the files on one diskette to
prompt with the disk in the another you would type COPY
drive, type DISKCOPY A: B: A:*.* B: {ENTER}.
{ENTER}. This command works If you wanted to copy all
even if you only have one the files on one diskette with
floppy disk, as DOS simulates the .EXE extension to another
the use of two disks by using you would type COPY A:*.EXE B:
swapping. DISKCOPY will tell {ENTER}.
you to put the source or master If you wanted to copy all
disk into the A: drive and the the files on one diskette that
destination disk into the B: begin with the letter 'H', to
drive. If you only have one another you would type COPY
drive, the system will tell you A:H*.* B: {ENTER}.
when to swap. INSTALLING.
If your system does not have a
FILE COPYING. Hard Disk, see the below table
Copying files allows you to to see the number of disks
duplicate one file (or a few required.
like named files) on a disk.
You can also use COPY to copy
Page 11
------------------------------- have to choose between two
NUMBER different installation
OF DISKS approaches. The first, "Install
DISK SIZE NEEDED in One Directory" is simpler
1.2MB 5-1/2" or and is suggested.
1.44MB 3-1/4".......1 The install program will
720k 3/"............2 also ask you if you want to
------------------------------- install the "Text Source and
If you are installing Compilers". If You did not
NUMERO on floppy disks, label receive a disk marked "Text
the disks exactly as the Source and Compilers", don't
install program tells you to. answer Yes. This optional item
If you received the "Text allows you to customize the
Source Files and Compilers" text. You can purchase this
package with this program, you later and install it
will need 1 more diskette. separately.
Backup both the original The install program asks
master disks, particularly if you if you want to install the
you are using floppy disks. Documentation. This is an on-
If you had the shareware line version of this manual.
version of NUMERO, or an -------------------------------
earlier version of NUMERO on NOTE: If another company's
that disk or directory delete install program starts up, it
the setup data files by typing is usally because you don't
ERASE N1SYS.DAT {ENTER}. have the right disk in the
. Insert the disk marked drive you specified when you
"NUMERO UNO Main Program Disk" typed install, or you haven't
into your disk drive. logged onto the drive before
If you inserted the disk typing INSTALL.
into your A: Drive you can -------------------------------
either log onto that drive by If you don't use a Hard
typing A:, and then typing Disk or you don't have a
INSTALL{ENTER}, and following CONFIG.SYS file, NUMERO will
the instructions. You can also remind you to create one or
type A:INSTALL{ENTER}. make sure the FILES= and
If you inserted the disk BUFFERS= are present in the
into your B: Drive you can file.
either log onto that drive by The Install program will
typing B:, and then typing tell you when the installation
INSTALL{ENTER}, and following is complete.
the instructions. You can also
The install program asks
you what type of system you
want to install NUMERO on.
If you are installing
NUMERO on a system with a hard
disk, choose 4. You will also
Page 12
When NUMERO starts up, t auto-
matically configures itself for
the type of video adapter and
monitor configuration you are
using. It also sets the screen
colors to appropriate default
NUMERO automatically sets
itself up to use a fast RAM
video driver that updates the
screen in the fastest way
Page 13
You are now ready to start using NUMERO UNO. When you start
NUMERO, you need to be logged into the disk and in the directory
where the NUMERO.EXE file is stored, or you need to have set the
DOS PATH variable to that disk and directory. If you are using a
hard disk and NUMERO is in the C:\NUMERO directory, and you are
in the C: drive, you can do this by typing CD \NUMERO.
You would set that possible. If NUMERO does not
directory using the command find these subdirectories, the
PATH C:\BIN; C:\NUMERO\{ENTER}, setup defaults to the directory
assuming that your DOS files where NUMERO is installed.
are stored in the directory CUSTOMIZING THE SETUP.
C:\BIN, and NUMERO is stored in To view or customize the setup
the C:\NUMERO directory. information for your special
To start NUMERO from the needs, choose the Setup Screen
DOS command line prompt type from the Options sub-menu.
NUMERO{ENTER} and NUMERO start Finding Other Important Files.
up. When NUMERO starts up, it will
Do not start up NUMERO attempt to find the help file
using a command line such as NUMERO.HLP that is stored ei-
C:\NUMERO\NUMERO{ENTER} because ther in the program's data
NUMERO may not be able to find directory. If that file can't
the setup file (N1SYS.DAT) if be found, NUMERO displays an
one exists. error message telling you that
I suggest typing CD \NUMERO you can't access the help
{ENTER} NUMERO{ENTER} to start system.
NUMERO assuming NUMERO is in If you get this error, find
your NUMERO directory. where the help files were saved
For information about and make sure the Setup Screen
Startup Options see the section in the Options sub-menu is set
marked "Command Line Options". properly.
NUMERO next attempts to
THE SETUP INFORMATION FILE. read the list of compiled chart
If the setup information file, files from disk into memory.
called N1SYS.DAT, can't be This is a list of all the files
found (NUMERO searches first in created the last session. It is
the current directory then the stored in a file called
directories pointed to by the N1FILE.LST which is located on
DOS PATH variable), NUMERO the data disk (in a floppy type
creates it, as it is best able system) or in the user
to do from the hardware it directory (in a hard disk type
finds. system). If NUMERO can't find
When creating the initial this file, the program assumes
setup, NUMERO looks for sub- it was erased, or never was
directories called, DATA and created before.
USER and uses them when
Page 14
NUMERO then reads the file CPU which as a math coprocessor
N1DAT.HIS (if it exists). This on board, and do not wish to
is the history file, data that use it (perhaps because of
was in the Enter/Edit screens malfunction or other problem)
at the time you last quit you should set the following
NUMERO. option before starting up.
Then NUMERO reads the file At the DOS command line
N1DAT.DEF (if it exists). This type SET NO87=1 {ENTER}.
is the default data; it is You can create a batch file
loaded every time you start to automatically execute this
NUMERO. If you want certain comand and start NUMERO. To
chart information loaded every create this batch file, type
time you start NUMERO, save the following:
that information to the file COPY CON: N1.BAT
N1DAT.DEF, using the Save Data ECHO OFF
To Disk function. SET NO87=1
Next, NUMERO loads a file NUMERO
called N1.MAC (if it exists). ECHO ON
This is a file of macros. This {F6} (^Z appears on the screen)
File Contains the default Then you would type N1{ENTER}
macros. If you wish to disable to start NUMERO.
these macros, rename this file.
If you wish to add macros that -------------------------------
will be permanent and will load NOTE: If you have a math
each time, add them to this coprocessor and NUMERO freezes
file. For further information while compiling a chart, this
about Macros, see the section may solve your problem.
titled "Using Macros" later in -------------------------------
this manual.
USING A MOUSE. You will find a file called
NUMERO provides built-in mouse NUMERO.PIF and an Icon for
support. In order to use NUMERO NUMERO in your program
with a mouse, you must have a directory. I suggest that you
mouse driver loaded in your give NUMERO 100k - 150k of XMS
file. See your Mouse You may need to modify this
Documentation for more .PIF file, to suit the
information. directory names that you use.
8087 Math Coprocessor Chips.
If your computer has a 8087,
80287, or 80387, math
coprocessor chip or use the 486
Page 15
This section describes the command line options that you can
enter when your start NUMERO UNO. You can enter as many command
line options as you need. Leave a space between NUMERO and each
command line option. Options begin with either a '/' (forward
slash) or a '-' (hyphen or minus), and can be typed in capital
letters or non-capital letters.
For Example To Start NUMERO with the -LCD option, type NUMERO
-BIOS..Starts NUMERO using your parts of its program.
computer's BIOS chip for Use this option if you
putting the text on the are having difficulty
screen. Slower than with NUMERO.
Normal Operation, but -RKB=f .Causes NUMERO to record
will work with certain all keyboard activity in
program and certain non- a file. For f , specify
standard computers. the name of the file.
-LCD...Starts NUMERO using -PKB=f .Causes NUMERO to read
colors for Laptop all keyboard actifvity
Computers with LCD from a file f. This file
screens. Try this was recorded using the -
option if you can't use RKB option.
NUMERO's screens and are -TUT=f . The Same as used by -
using a laptop type PKB=, but plays the
computer. keyboard activity back
-43....If you are using a VGA slower, making it easier
or EGA screen, starts to follow.
NUMERO using 43 line -MAC=f .When NUMERO starts up
screen mode. the file name following
-50....If you are using a VGA the '=' here signified
screen, starts NUMERO by the 'f' is opened and
using 50 line screen NUMERO reads keyboard
mode. macros from this file.
-NOTI..Starts NUMERO without NOTE: this is in
displaying the title addition to the standard
screen. macro file NUMERO.MAC.
-NOCACHE..Causes NUMERO to not Macros in this file
use EMS or Extended or replace the ones defined
XMS memory to cache in NUMERO.MAC.
Page 16
U S I N G S C R E E N S & M E N U S
This section explains NUMERO UNO's user interface. That is, the
screens and menus that you deal with when you use NUMERO.
NUMERO's user interface is intuitive and easy-to-use. All the
menus are logically structured and should be easy to follow.
Because NUMERO works similarly to other programs used on the IBM
PC, you need only a little computer experience to begin using
Should you have trouble at any time with NUMERO UNO, there are
several things that you should remember. The following table
describes some useful information.
{F1}.....................Get Help in any menu or data screen.
{ESC} or {ESCAPE}........Back out of any screen or series of
screens to the main menu. Also cancel
any entry choice.
{DOWN}, {TAB}, {ENTER}...Move Down through fields.
{UP}, {SHIFT}+{TAB} ....Move Up through fields
{F10}....................Closes screen, and records screen as
having been completed.
{PRINT SCREEN}...........Print screen to printer.
{SPACE BAR}..............Toggle Choices in Yes/No Fields, or
popup menu in list type field.
{Y}, {N}.................In Yes/No fields, select Yes or No.
MOUSE SUPPORT. -------------------------------
If you are using a mouse, NOTE: Do not use a mouse menu
NUMERO displays a mouse cursor program. NUMERO has full mouse
on the screen. The mouse cursor support which is easier to use.
is a rectangular block. When Exiting a Screen.
you move the mouse, you will -------------------------------
see it move around the screen. You can exit a screen at any
If you have more than one time by pressing the {ESC} key,
mouse button, you will only use or moving to the "Cancel"
the left button. When this button and clicking the mouse
manual refers to the "Mouse on it, or pressing {ENTER}.
Button", it means the left This records a screen as
mouse button. incomplete and does not
You must have a mouse validate and does not do final
driver loaded before starting calculations done when pressing
NUMERO, see information in the {F10} or pressing {ENTER} on
previous section for more the last line of a screen or on
information on this. a menu.
If you have completed the
screen, press the {F10} key or
Page 17
move to the "OK" button and USING A MOUSE IN A MENU.
click the mouse or press In a menu, you can select a
{ENTER}. This will record the menu item by pressing the mouse
screen as being completed. button. Once you are on that
Pressing a mouse button choice and the choice is high-
while the mouse cursor is lighted, you can choose a
outside of the current window choice by pressing the mouse
has the same effect as pressing button. If you are not on a
{ESC}. choice, you can move the choice
{F10}..Close Screen and around by pressing the button
Validate Data. down and moving the mouse. The
{ESC}..Close Screen, highlighted choice will follow
Don't Validate Data. the mouse.
OK AND CANCEL BUTTONS. Select any menu choice in a
Every dialog box has two fields menu by pressing the first
at the bottom which say "OK" letter of that choice.
and "Cancel". Moving to the
"OK" field, and either click it USING A MOUSE IN A YES/NO OR
with the mouse button, or press SELECTION FIELD.
{ENTER}, it will have the same In a Yes/No field, you can
effect as pressing {F10}. If toggle a choice from Yes to No,
you Move to the "Cancel" field or from No to Yes by clicking
or button, and either click it the mouse button on the field.
with the mouse button anywhere In a multiple selection
outside of the current screen field, click the left mouse
or menu, or pressing {ENTER}, button. This will A menu of
it will have the same effect as choices is displayed. Use the
pressing {ESC}. You can quickly mouse as you would in a menu
move to the "OK" field or screen.
"Button" by pressing {ALT}+'O'. Y ........Set Field to Yes.
You can quickly move to the N ........Set Field to No.
"Cancel" field or "Button" by Space ....Toggle Field. If
pressing {ALT}+'C'. field is No change To
{ALT}+O...Move to "OK" Button. Yes.
{ALT}+C...Move To "Cancel
In a text view screen, scroll
MOVING TO A FIELD. down by clicking the downward
In any Screen, you can move to arrow of the scroll bar at the
any other field in the screen right side of the view screen.
by moving the mouse cursor to a Scroll up by clicking the
field and clicking the mouse upward arrow.
button on that field. The If you click on the
highlight will move to that Highlight of the scroll bar or
field. "Thumb", and drag the mouse,
the screen will scroll.
Page 18
THE MAIN MENU SYSTEM. -------------------------------
After NUMERO clears the title NOTE: You need to be aware of
screen, the main menu screen the level of the menu that you
is displayed. This screen are in. There are two menu
includes a horizontal bar with levels: The top level and the
words inside it connected to a bottom level. When you are in
box beneath. Beneath the menu the top level, you must select
bar is a box. This box is the a top level entry before
sub-menu (the horizontal bar is selecting a bottom level entry.
the main menu). Press {ESC} to access the top
At the bottom of the screen level menu.
is a prompt line that is used -------------------------------
to remind you of frequently To select a selected main
used keystrokes that you can menu item and enter the sub-
use at this time. menu, press {ENTER} or the
------------------------------- {DOWN} cursor key. The
NOTE: Most of the choices on highlight moves to the sub-
the main menu are arranged menu. You can only get to a
logically, that is, you need to sub-menu by selecting a main-
choose "Enter Data" before you menu item. The highlight moves
choose "Compile Chart", and you to the last sub-menu choice you
will need to choose "Compile used last. This makes repeating
Chart" before you choose the choices easier.
"View Print" menu, etc. The Select the sub-menu item by
exceptions to this rule is the using the cursor keys ({UP},
"Options" and "Utility" menu {DOWN}, {HOME}, {END}), or by
items. These are placed near pressing the key corresponding
the end because you will use to the first letter of the
them less often than the item. To move to another main
others. menu item and its sub-menu, use
------------------------------- the {LEFT} or {RIGHT} cursor
In the main menu screen, keys.
select any main menu topic by If you chose an item by
either pressing a cursor key pressing the first key of the
({LEFT}, {RIGHT}, {HOME} or item, NUMERO automatically
{END}), or by pressing the key accepts your choice and starts
that corresponds to the first that operation. If you use the
letter of that item. For cursor keys you need to press
example to select "Compile {ENTER} to choose the item and
Chart", press 'C'. When you start the operation. At any
select an item, the highlight time, you can get help by
moves to the item. The sub-menu pressing the {F1} key.
changes accordingly.
As stated earlier, you can get
help at any time while you are
entering or editing data or you
are in a menu system by
Page 19
pressing the {F1} key. When you to field. It also displays an
press {F1}, NUMERO searches the error if you enter the wrong
help database for related in- information or your information
formation on that topic and is invalid.
displays it on the screen. In a data screen, the field
The help screen shows you where the cursor is located is
the purpose, and meaning of a highlighted, however , in
data entry field or menu item certain types of fields, the
and gives you suggestions. At cursor is not visible. If you
the bottom of the help screen are using a color display, the
you will see a one or more fields on the screen are dif-
highlighted items. ferentiated from the rest of
The item displayed in black the screen, so you can see
letters on a gray or white where the fields are. If you
background is your "cursor", are using a monochrome monitor,
and indicates the choice. the fields will not be dif-
See help associated with ferentiated, but the field the
that choice by pressing the cursor is no will be in reverse
{ENTER} key. Move the "Cursor" video.
around using the cursor keys
{HOME} and {END}). To go back You can move from field to
to a screen you viewed earlier field using the keys ({UP},
press the {BACKSPACE} or {<-} {DOWN}, {TAB}, {SHIFT} + {TAB},
key. and {ENTER}). In addition, the
To exit help, press the following keys can help you
{ESC} key, this returns you to navigate your way around a
either the main menu or the screen:
screen that you were working in {CNTRL}+{HOME} Left-Most Field
last. {CNTRL}+{END} .Right-Field
You use data entry screens {CNTRL}+{PGUP} First Field
to get information about a {CNTRL}+{PGDN} Last Field
person, or the Numerology chart
that you are working on, or ENTERING DATA IN FIELDS
other information. Most entry To enter data in a field,
screens are consistent in select the field and type the
format and operation. Each data to be entered.
screen displays a title at the In fields that accept a
top left to indicate the type limited range of numeric or
of information that the screen character values, such as date
is about. and time fields, you can't
At the bottom of the screen leave that field till you
is a line of text. This is a satisfy that field's re-
prompt; it gives you valuable quirements. In most field
information about what NUMERO types, move around in that
expects in each field, and the field using the cursor keys
limits of that data. The prompt ({LEFT}, {RIGHT}). Some fields
changes as you move from field are wider than what is
Page 20
displayed on the screen. If you -------------------------------
type in more characters than NOTE: If you press {ESC} in a
will fit on the screen, the birth or date data related
left part of the field scrolls screen, you must complete that
off the screen, but is still in screen before NUMERO will allow
the field. you to compile the chart.
You can use foreign -------------------------------
characters. To use these To complete a screen, press
characters, look in your DOS {F10} or press {ENTER} on the
manual for the ASCII code. last field. This tells NUMERO
Hold down the {ALT} key and that the screen is complete.
type the decimal ASCII number NUMERO then checks that your
for letter you want in your data is accurate and ready to
numeric keyboard. go.
In insert mode (indicated When you complete a date
by the 1/2 block cursor), data screen, NUMERO checks the
characters you type are in- data that you entered to verify
serted. Otherwise charactersyou that the date and time you
type are overwritten. Delete entered are valid. For example
characters with the {DEL} key if you entered 2/30/ 1980,
or the {BACKSPACE} ( it may which would be illegal since
also be marked {<-} or {BS}). February never has 30days.
Some fields accept a range NUMERO also knows about leap
of answers. First press the years and can determine if a
Space Bar. Then a list of given year is a leap year or
choices will be shown on the not.
screen. You can now move the
highlight with the cursor keys TEXT VIEW SCREEN.
or select one using the firs A text view screen lets you
letter. Use the Enter Key to allows you view text like you
select an entry. would in a word processing pro-
In fields that accept a gram, however you cannot edit
"Yes" or "No" answer, select the text.
the answer by pressing either Scroll through the text
'Y', 'N' (in either caps or using the cursor keys ({UP},
lower case), or the space bar . {DOWN}, {PGUP}, and {PGDN}) .
Leaving/Finishing a Screen. To instantly reach the end
At some point, when you are of the file by pressing the
using a data screen, you will {CNTRL}+ {PGDN} keys or reach
want to either escape from the the beginning by pressing the
screen or finish the and {CNTRL}+{PGUP} keys.
continue. To escape from the To search for text press
screen, press the {ESC} (the {CTRL} + 'F'.
escape key on your keyboard). From a view screen you can
access more files. You can open
an view as many files as you
have memory for.
Page 21
Once you have more than one {CNTRL}+A .....Find Text Again.
file on the screen, you can Use after
select between them. pressing {CNTRL}+F.
{TAB} selects the next file. {CNTRL}+B .....Find Text
Pressing {BKSP} selects the Backwards. Use
previous file opened. after {CNTRL}+F.
To exit this screen, a text {CNTRL}+F .....Find Text.
view screen, press the {ESC} {CNTRL}+O ....allows you to
key: open an NUMERO
text chart to
Page 22
NUMERO UNO provides keyboard macros. Macro files are files that
contain words or characters that correspond to the keys on your
keyboard. For example, If you define a macro for the key "F9"
(known as {FN9}), this macro would be played back each time you
pressed the {F9} key on your keyboard.
Keyboard macros affect the entire program equally. The
default macro file is called N1.MAC. N1.MAC is found in the
directory from which NUMERO was started from. I have not provided
any macros right now. As you work with NUMERO, you may discover
macros that you want to create.
Each line in a macro file or {CNTRL}+ key combination.
is a macro. A macro can be up Be careful not to redefine
to 2000 characters long but an existing function or that
must not exceed one line. A function won't be available.
macro starts with the name for NUMERO is now in "Learn
the key followed by a colorn Mode".
(':') followed by the 3. Type the keys you wish to
keystrokes used. Regular letter record. Any key you press
and number keys can't be will be saved as part of the
defined as macros. For example macro you are defining.
'9' or 'A', can't be defined as Try to use first letter
macros, but {ALT}+'A' can be. menu choices when possible
To create or modify a macro as they won't be as specific
file, use a file editor which as if you use cursor keys.
edits ASCII files. (If you use Try not to use the mouse.
DOS 5.0, use EDIT) The editor 4. Press {ALT}+{F5} again to
you use must allow you to enter stop recording the macro, .
lines longer than 80 characters 5. NUMERO asks you if you wish
or must allow you to save a to make the macro permanent.
file without line breaks If you answer 'Y' the macro
Microsoft WordTM will let you will be saved to the N1.MAC
do this. file. NUMERO writes the
You can also create macros macro to a file named for
as you work. These macros can the key you pressed. For
be for a single use, or they example, if you defined
can be saved to your N1.MAC {ALT}+{F9}, the file would
file to make them permanent. be named ALTFN9.MAC. If you
To Use this feature: defined {SHIFT}+{F4}, the
1. Press {ALT}+{F5}. file would be named
2. NUMERO asks you to press the SHFTFN4.MAC.
key you want to define. If you didn't make the
You can define any macro permanent, but want to
function key, or {ALT} + key later, you can use an editor.
Edit N1.MAC and merge the macro
Page 23
file into the N1.MAC file. You 1. Start NUMERO using NUMERO -
can also load the macro at any RKB=file.kb.
time using the Utilities menu 2. Press the keys you want to
function "Load Macro File". record.
------------------------------- 3. Quit the program.
REGISTER VERSION ONLY 4. Edit this file.
------------------------------- A. Take out the keys that
A utility called led up to the action you
MACKEYS.EXE is supplied with want a macro for.
NUMERO, to show you the names B. Take out the keystrokes
of keys to which macros are that allowed you to quit
defined are. To Use this NUMERO.
utility, press various key C. Take out the line
combination, and MACKEYS tells endings.
you the key name. D. Put a key name at the
NUMERO's -RKB= command line beginning of the macro
option can be used to record a along with a colon (':')
keyboard file. Don't Use your and you have a macro.
mouse. E. Save your macro.
Page 24
E N T E R I N G & E D I T I N G D A T A
Use the main menu Item "ENTER/ EDIT DATA" to enter information
about the names and dates in question and other data. Most of the
questions asked and information you need to enter is pretty self-
explanatory. You can get information for each field by pressing
{F1} or from the prompt at the bottom of the screen. This section
describes how to use these screen.
If you do not want information about an item, leave that
field of of the data screen blank; it will be omitted from the
ENTER CHART INFORMATION. birth date will change the
Use this function to enter the personality as well.
primary data that NUMERO uses
to generate your chart. In this CALENDAR INFORMATION.
screen, you will enter your In this screen, enter the
Name (both name at birth and starting and ending date for
current name). Each part of the Universal and Personal
name is entered separately. You Calendars. You can generate
will also enter your birth several calendars in each
date. You must include the compilation. These calendars
century (19 for 1900). The last are based on data in the "Chart
field is the Street address. Information Screen" item
Try entering different described above.
names if you are considering
changing your name, getting SAVE DATA TO DISK.
married, or trying a different The "Save Data To Disk"
nick name. For example, if you item saves the contents of all
get married and your name these screens to a disk file
changes, your numerology chart for future use. If you do not
will change, though the change provide a disk or directory
will be in addition to the data name, these files are saved to
from your name at birth. your user disk and directory.
When you enter name, if the These files are much
name contains accented smaller than the files created
characters, do not enter the when you compile a chart. If
characters with accented you want to save a permanent
letters. The accented record, this is a good place to
characters are ignored, and the start. It saves all the
results will be wrong. relevant information that you
If you are considering a need to recreate a chart. If
name for a child that has just you save this information and
been born or is about to be later compile it will be the
born, try different names to same.
find a name that you think will
be harmonious with you and your
partner. Remember a change of
Page 25
------------------------------- -------------------------------
NOTE: If you want to load a set NOTE: Don't attempt to load any
of data loaded into your system file that you did not save with
each time NUMERO starts up, Save Data To Disk. You may also
save the data to the file load the file N1DAT.DEF or the
N1DAT.DEF. This should be saved file N1DAT.HIS.
to your user disk and -------------------------------
directory. The chart you were
working on last is saved to the CLEARING DATA SCREENS.
history file N1DAT.HIS, also in Use the "Clear Data Screens" to
the user disk and directory. clear the data screens if you
------------------------------- prefer entering onto a blank
LOAD SAVED DATA. data screen. Many users prefer
The "Load Saved Data" item to clear the screen before
loads the data that was starting a new project, where
previously saved when you used others may just to type over
the "Save Data To Disk" item. existing data.
If you don't use a path or
disk, it will be loaded from
the user disk and directory.
Page 26
After you entered your data into the data screens, you can
compile a Numerology Chart.
When you compile a chart, Numero displays a screen requesting
the name and comment information for the file list. This
information in the list helps you remember which file to use
when you want to retrieve it later.
If you leave Sections of the Chart Info Data screen blank,
those areas will be omitted from the reports.
PERSONALITY REPORT. You can generate a report
This basic report is based on for any time period from your
your birth date and current birth year to 120 years after
name, and name at birth. This your birth. When you compile
is the report that you will this report, NUMERO asks you
want to compile most often. for the time period for which
This report is interpreted with you want a report.
explanatory text.
NUMERIC REPORT. This report analyzes the same
This basic report is also based data as the Name Transits
on your birth date, and current Report, but it provides only
name and name at birth, but the numeric data. It does
this report is not interpreted, provide the explanatory text.
and does not contain any You can generate this
explanatory text. It contains report for any period from your
only has the technical data. birth year to 120 years after
This report will be more your birth. When you compile
interesting to the serious this report, NUMERO asks you
Numerology enthusiast. for the time period for which
you want a report.
NAME TRANSITS REPORT. Personal Calendar File.
This report analyzes the This item generates a series of
individual letters in your Personal Calendars. A Personal
names. Each letter has a Calendar is composed of
vibration that has a particular Personal Days, a Personal Month
effect during a certain time and Year.
period in your life. The Name You can generate any number
Transits Report exlaines these of these calendars. Each one is
effects. It also compares the printed on a separate page.
vibrations of the letters and Explanatory text is printed for
resulting numbers to specific each number.
other numbers which appear These numbers are derived
during specific years. This from your birth date and are
report interprets the data and unique, though more than one
provides explanatory text .
Page 27
individual may have the same them back to your User disk or
calendar. directory when you need them.
Use the "Scan For Files Not in
UNIVERSAL CALENDAR FILE. List" item in the Utilities
This item generates a series of Menu to read the files into the
Universal Calendars. A list once they have been
Universal Calendar is composed copied, or erase the file
of Universal Days, a Universal N1FILE.LST from your user disk
Month and a Year. or directory and one will be
These calendars will all be created.
the same for any given date, You can also save data in
but will be different from one the data screens to a disk file
month to another. and erase the compiled charts
You can generate any number at the end of your session.
of these calendars. Each one is When you wish to recompile a
printed on a separate page. chart, just load the data file
Explanatory text is printed for and recompile the chart. NUMERO
each number. saves all the data in the
screens to one file. These
KEEPING SAVED FILES. files are much smaller than the
If you want to keep reports you files to which charts are
have generated, you can store compiled.
them on floppy disks and copy
Page 28
V I E W I N G & P R I N T I N G T H E R E S U L T S
NUMERO UNO has several different ways of printing or viewing the
results. These are available through the "VIEW/PRINT" sub menu
items. All these menu items rely on the file list. The file list
is a list of files created by NUMERO in the current session or
kept from another session. This list can be erased when NUMERO
ends or can be saved. Every time you compile a chart a new file
is added to this list. The list is limited only by memory, and
available disk space on disk to keep the reports until they are
When you view a chart, Pressing {BKSP} selects the
NUMERO wraps the text to the previous file opened.
width of the display screen and -------------------------------
displays it. Text is displayed NOTE: This function can
with attributes for highlights. display a file up to the limit
This function lets you view of your available memory.
the text as if you were using a -------------------------------
word processing program, Exit this screen by
however, you cannot edit the pressing the {ESC} key.
text. You can scroll through {CNTRL}+A Find Text Again. Use
the text using the cursor keys after {CNTRL}+F.
({UP}, {DOWN}, {PGUP}, and {CNTRL}+B Find Text Backwards.
{PGDN}). Instantly reach the Use after {CNTRL}+F.
end of the file by pressing the {CNTRL}+F Find Text.
{CNTRL}+ {PGDN} keys or reach {CNTRL}+O Open a NUMERO text
the beginning by pressing the chart to view.
{CNTRL}+{PGUP} keys.
------------------------------- PRINT REPORT.
MOUSE USERS. You can scroll The Print Report item lets you
this screen by clicking down print out a text report to your
the mouse button on the up or printer or write the report to
down arrow on the scroll bar. a disk file for later printing.
You can also scroll the Before choosing this option,
screen by clicking the mouse you should setup your printer
cursor over the hightlight on in the Printer Setup Screen .
the Scroll Bar at the right If you haven't set up your
side of the screen and dragging printer, you can do so from
the mouse. this screen by clicking the
------------------------------- Setup Printer button.
You can open an view as NUMERO formats the text for
many files as you have memory output, using a left margin and
for. Once you have more than line width that you set. A
one file on the screen, you can header is derived from the file
select between them. pressing list information, is printed on
{TAB} selects the next file. every page but the first.
Page 29
If you want the header margins. If you change the line
printed on the first page, spacing in the options pick
select that option in the print screens, the number of lines
screen. The output is printed per page will change.
using text attributes such as To print a report, select
underline and bold (double- the file that you want to print
strike) and so on, and is out from the file list. Press
directly compatible with Epson the {ENTER} key to print the
and IBM Printers, or HP file. NUMERO displays a screen
LaserJet or DeskJet. You can in which you enter information
configure it for most any type on how you want the report
printer. You can also customize printed.
to use many features of your To print the file to your
printer from the setup screen. default printer, just leave the
If you are using a HP first field blank. The output
LaserJet DeskJet Printer, or will be directed to your
compatible, NUMERO can take system's current default
advantage of many cartridge or printer. To print to your
internal fonts as well as any second printer or LPT2:, enter
soft fonts you own. LPT2 in the first field. You
The pages are broken can enter any valid DOS device.
intelligently. If a paragraph You can also write the
would spill over onto a new printout to a disk file. To
page, Numero prints the entire direct it to a disk file, enter
paragraph on the new page, the file name. If you just
making the printout easier to enter the disk file without the
follow. The resulting printout directory, the file will be
can be printed to any legal DOS saved to the user directory. If
device. You can also print to a you enter the full file name
file for later printing. starting with the disk name or
In the Printer Setup screen the initial '\' root path, the
you can define a printer file will be directed to that
control string. This string is directory and file name.
output at the start of the You can specify the text
printout to initialize the width and left margin you want
printer for such options as to (in inches). The text width
print quality, page depth, can range from 4 inches to 16
font, line spacing, and other inches wide. The value is just
important data. the width of the text, not the
Page depth is also defined left or right margin. The left
in the Setup screen is the page margin can vary from zero to 4
depth. This is the maximum inches wide.
number of text lines that can By default NUMERO prints a
be printed on one page. to header on every page but the
determin this number, you take first. (Most of the information
the maximum printable lines on that the header reflects is
the paper and subtract five printed on the first page). You
lines for the top and bottom
Page 30
can change this to print the -------------------------------
header to the first page. REGISTERED VERSION ONLY
If you are printing to a -------------------------------
printer, you can ignore the NOTE: When You save files saved
last field on the screen, and in WordPerfect format, document
just press the {ENTER} key on default information such as
the last field or {F10} to printer, default font, or
print the file. If you are styles will not be saved to the
printing to a disk file the file. This Information is
last field is important. It written to the file when you
tells NUMERO to either append save it from WordPerfect.
this printout to an existing If you want font, printer
file or to open a new file with and margin information saved to
this name. If the file already the file:
exists and the file is opened, 1. Convert a file to
then the existing file is WordPerfect Format.
overwritten. 2. Edit the File in
To cancel the printout WordPerfect. Format the file
press the {ESC} key at any time in WordPerfect so it is
while the file is being printed exactly the way you want it.
If you change the values on 3. Insert at the start of the
the Print Report screen, your text the phrase ##START##.
new values will be saved to the 4. Save the file.
setup file for future use 5. Run the utility program,
(except the file name which is WP5TOHED, using the file you
not saved). created and the file name
N1DEF.WP5, using the command
This Convert Report item lets {ENTER} (where file is your
you convert a NUMERO file to file name).
other types of files that text If NUMERO finds a file
editors or word processing called N1DEF.WP5, this file is
programs can use. You might use used as a header for your file.
this item to edit the file WP5TOHED takes a formatted
before printing. WordPerfect 5.0 document and
You can convert a file to turns it into a header file.
ASCII, WordStar 3.x or 4.x, Your report will start where
WordPerfect 4.x or 5.x, you inserted ##START## in the
XYWrite, or Microsoft Word RTF document. Everything after that
(Rich Text) format. You can is deleted.
save ASCII and XYWrite files Files saved in WordStar
without any soft line breaks. format do not have any font or
It is easier to reformat a file printer setup information
easier when you read it into encoded in them. This
your word processor, because information is added when the
there are only paragraph file is saved to the file when
breaks. you save from WordStar.
Page 31
------------------------------- -------------------------------
NOTE: Files saved in Microsoft NOTE: If you change the width,
Word RTF format will have only left margin or conversion in
a default font and a single this screen, your new values
Normal Stylesheet paragraph are saved to the setup file for
style. future use.
Files saved in XYWrite -------------------------------
format have no printer, font,
or setup information encoded in KILL FILE IN FILE LIST.
them. You may need to insert a The Kill File in File List Item
file into your default document allows you to kill a NUMERO
to use it in XYWrite. text output file. Use this item
------------------------------- to erase files on your disk, to
A file saved with the make room for other files. This
"Convert Report to Text" item is also important if you wish
is entirely unformatted; it has to leave files in your file
no page breaks or headers. list when you shut down NUMERO,
However the file is wrapped to but you do not wish to save all
the text width you wish, and the files.
has a left margin, making it To use this item, select a
easier for your word processing file from the file list. NUMERO
program to work with. displays a description of the
When converting a report to file you selected. This screen
ASCII format, you can you can Prompts you whether want to
use one of two different delete the file. To delete the
approaches. One is "Plain file, Select 'Yes', and press
ASCII", another is "Smart {ENTER}. If you don't want to
ASCII". Most people prefer the delete the file, either select
"Plain ASCII". Plain ASCII has 'No' or press {ESC} to exit.
no formatting information. In
Attributes are translated into The Edit File in File List item
strings that your can change lets you edit the information
from the "Word Processing in the file list. For example
Conversion Screen". to change or add a comment.
This Convert Reort to Text Note that the file's real file
item operates almost exactly name is displayed on the
like the Print Report function screen.
but with a few minor
exceptions: you need to enter a
file name in the file name
field. It won't operate without
a file name. Second, once the
printout has begun, you can't
stop it by pressing the {ESC}
key. Because the conversion
takes very little time, this
should pose no problem.
Page 32
CALENDAR date of month.
The View Personal Calendar item {CNTRL}+{HOME} Go to the
is an interactive Personal starting month.
Calendar screen you can play {CNTRL}+{PGUP} Go to the
with. previous year.
NUMERO prompts you for a {CNTRL}+{PGDN} Go to the next
Birth Date and starting date. A year.
displayed on the screen. The The View Universal Calendar
Personal Days are displayed in Screen item is the universal
common calendar format with 7 interactive calendar.
days across. In each cell or NUMERO prompts you for a
box you see the actual date and birth date and starting date.
the personal date. The personal The Universal Calendar will be
date number is displayed in the displayed on the screen. The
upper left of the cell. The Universal Days are displayed in
actual date is displayed in the the common calendar format with
bottom right. 7 days across. In each cell or
If you click on the box you see the actual date and
personal date with or press the Universal Date. The
{ENTER} while a personal date Universal Date Number is
is selected, the text that displayed in the upper left of
relates to that personal date the Cell. The actual date is
is displayed. displayed in the bottom right.
You can also use the If you click on the
following keys in this screen: Universal date or press {ENTER}
{ALT}+M Show the text while a Universal date is
associated with selected, the text that relates
the Personal to that Universal date is
Month. displayed.
{ALT}+B Show the text You can also use the
associated with following keys in this screen.
the Personal {ALT}+M Show the text
Year. associated with
{PGDN} Go to next the Universal
month. Month.
{PGUP} Go to previous {ALT}+B Show the text
month. associated with
{UP} Move up 1 cell. the Universal
{DOWN} Move down 1 Year.
cell. {PGDN} Go to next
{LEFT} Move left 1 month.
cell. {PGUP} Go to previous
{RIGHT} Move right 1 month.
Page 33
{UP} Move up 1 cell. {HOME} Go to the first
{DOWN} Move down 1 date of month.
cell. {CNTRL}+{HOME} Go to the
{LEFT} Move left 1 starting month.
cell. {CNTRL}+{PGUP} Go to the
{RIGHT} Move right 1 previous year.
cell. {CNTRL}+{PGDN} Go to the next
Page 34
This section describes functions and utility programs that you
can use with NUMERO UNO.
DOS SHELL. file) back into the data
This function lets you to get screens.
access to the DOS command line To use this item, select
from within NUMERO. the file you wish to read in.
------------------------------- Press {ENTER} the file will be
NOTE: you will need enough read.
memory for the program you wish
to run and the DOS command -------------------------------
------------------------------- -------------------------------
This utility program provides
SORT FILE LISTING. the necessary information from
Use the Sort File Listing item HP LaserJet Soft fonts. To use
to sort the file in the file this utility type FONTINFO
list FONT.SFP {ENTER}, where
This item sorts the items FONT.SFP is the font file that
in the file list on the you want to use. All soft fonts
person's name field. that you can use end in the
three letter extension .SFP.
If you archived files on other -------------------------------
disks and now wish to use them REGISTERED VERSION ONLY
again, use this item to add the -------------------------------
files to the file list. MAKEDOWN.EXE SOFT FONT DOWNLOAD
------------------------------- BATCH FILE MAKER.
NOTE: You must copy the files This utility program creates a
to your User directory before batch file from your soft font
using this option. file names.
------------------------------- The first time NUMERO
This item scans for NUMERO starts to print out to a
file headers in all files in LaserJet type printer, NUMERO
the User directory. attempts to start a batch file
This utility is invoked called DOWNLOAD.BAT if it
automatically if NUMERO can't exists.
find the file list. If you change your font
Read File Into Birth Data. selection from a font that
This item lets you to read one required downloading you should
of NUMERO UNO's compiled files erase DOWNLOAD.BAT or create a
and retrieve the original new one with this program.
information (stored in the
Page 35
Use Option screens to change the setup and defaults that NUMERO
UNO uses when it creates Numerology Charts. You can also use the
setup screens to change screen colors, disk and directory
choices, page length, screen driver, and printer strings.
SCREEN COLORS. Printer data files and files
The Screen Colors Item lets you for the calendar grid are also
setup the screen colors. You found in this directory.
choose the four components of
each screen attribute: THE USER DIRECTORY is where the
background color, foreground charts that NUMERO compiles are
color, bright, and blink (for written. If you convert a file
blinking color). There are to a text file, or print to a
seven different screen types. disk file, NUMERO writes the
If you are using a file to the user directory
monochrome adapter you can only unless you specify otherwise.
use the black and white as When you save and load the
foreground and background birth data, NUMERO saves and
colors, however you can use the loads from this directory
bright and blink attributes. unless you specify otherwise.
If you are using an LCD
type system, you can't use the CALENDAR GRID FILE. When NUMERO
bright attribute and, depending compiles Calendars to disk for
on the capability of your printing, this file is used to
system may not be able to use create the grid. You can change
the blink attribute . the name of this file for
different effects. Several are
DISK DIRECTORIES. supplied, and you can create
The Disk Directories item lets your own custom file. The
you setup the drives you use following files are supplied
for NUMERO; this is useful if with NUMERO.
you are using a hard disk
system and want to create a N1CALPRN.1BX--A single ruled
separate directory for each border. This is the default.
type of file, or move NUMERO
from one drive or directory to N1CALPRN.2BX--A double ruled
another on your system. border
NUMERO and the utility programs N1CALPRN.GRY--A thick gray
are found. These files end with border made up of a gray
.COM or .EXE. pattern.
THE DATA DIRECTORY is where the N1CALPRN.PND--A border made up
file that produces NUMERO's of the character #. You might
text is found. These files use this if your printer
N1TEXT ends in .TXT and .NDX.
Page 36
doesn't support the IBM with most any printer. In many
extended character set. cases however, a driver that is
designed for your printer will
N1CALPRN.ALT--A border made up be more efficient. The generic
of the characters '-'. '|' and driver will work with printers
'+' . (If you look at this for which you don't have
file, you will see the '~' documentation and printers like
before the '|'. This keeps the daisy wheel printers.
'|' from being interpreted as
NUMERO's internal tab COLUMN WIDTH. This is the text
character.) You might use this width (in Inches). For example
one if your printer doesn't for text 6-1/2 inches wide
support the IBM extended enter 6.50.
character set.
LEFT MARGIN. This is the width,
COUNT W AND Y AS VOWELS? (in inches) of the left
Some numerologists believe that margin. For example for a1 inch
the letters 'W' and 'Y' are left margin, you would enter
always considered Vowels for 1.00.
calculating Inner Self and
Motivation numbers. Other LINES PER PAGE. This is the
believe 'W' and 'Y' are vowels total number of lines available
when preceded by vowels such as on your page, including top
in "EW" and "OY". and bottom margin. A value of
66 is appropriate for dot
O U T P U T O P T I O N S . matrix printers printing six
lines per inch. A value of 60
These options control how is appropriate for laser
reports are printed, or printers.
converted to text files.
PRINTER SETUP SCREEN. option is turned on, a header
Use this screen to customize is printed on page one. If this
printing and conversion data. is turned off, no header is
Included in this screen are printed on page one.
information for translating
attributes in the output files PRINTING DEVICE. To print to
to printers and word processing your default printer leave this
file conversion. field blank. For most people
this is sufficient. To print to
PRINTER TYPE. This selects the your second printer, enter
printer driver that NUMERO "LPT2". To print to a specific
uses. You will see many device driver, enter the device
variations of dot matrix here.
printers, these allow more
advanced customization via the CENTER HEADS. If this option is
Control Strings screens. The set to Yes, the main headlines
generic printer driver works are centered on the page.
Page 37
END LINE WITH. This options Printer control strings are
lets you indicate what lines on the commands strings that your
your printer are ended with. printer uses for these
For a laser printer; ignore attributes as described below
this field; NUMERO will set it in the specific Printer Control
for you. Try to leave this String field. If you are using
field the way NUMERO sets it. a standard printer you don't
------------------------------- need to change these.
NOTE: If, when you print a -------------------------------
report, the lines start and end NOTE: You can enter ASCII
erratically, choose "Line Feed codes that can't be typed by
+ Carriage Return". If your typing their ASCII decimal
printed pages always have more codes in between '<' and '>'.
than one line space between For examole for the escape
lines, choose "Carriage Return character that is ASCII decimal
Only". code 27, you would enter <27>.
------------------------------- -------------------------------
COLOR SCHEME. If you use a
color printer with a color PRINTER CONTROL STRING. This
ribbon, and you have specified string provides the parameters
a color printer driver above, the printer requires to start
in the Printer Type field, you printing your report. These
can choose between two include line spacing, basic
different color schemes. These font and print quality.
color schemes are used for
printing the Personal and HEAD ON STRING. This string
Universal calendar files. The starts a main heading. By
following color schemes are default NUMERO uses bold face
provided with NUMERO: and underscored.
RED/CYAN/BLACK--Numerology HEAD OFF STRING. This string
numbers are printed in Red, the ends a main heading. This
calendar days are printed in must turn off what the Head On
Cyan. All other information is String turned on.
printed in Black.
BOLD ON STRING. This string
GREEN/MAGENTA/BLACK--Numerology enables the printer's bold face
numbers are printed in Green, or double strike. (With some
the calendar days are printed printers this is called
in magenta. All other "emphasized text". However, you
information is printed in can change this string to a
Black. different kind of emphasis
other than bold, such as a
CONTROL STRINGS. different color.)
Click on this button to edit
printer control strings for BOLD OFF STRING. This string
your printer setup. disables the printer's bold
face, double strike or
Page 38
emphasized text. This must turn START CALENDAR STRING. This
off the command that the Bold string is output before the
On String turned on. calendar starts printing. For
dot matrix printers, this
UNDERSCORE ON STRING. This should put the printer into
string enables the printer's unidirectional movement mode.
underscore function. However, If you have proportional
you can change this to a spacing enabled in the Printer
different kind of emphasis, Setup String, cancel it here.
such as a different color.
UNDERSCORE OFF STRING. This string is output after the
string must turn off the calendar is printed. This must
function enabled in the disable anything you enabled
Underscore On String field. with the Start Calendar String,
for example unidirectional
FIXED PITCH FONT STRING. This movement mode.
string makes the printer use a
Fixed Pitch font. If you LASER/INK JET SETUP.
enabled proportional Spacing in ---------------------------
the Large Font String (below) NOTE: These fields apply only
or Small Font String (below), to HP LaserJet, HP DeskJet, HP
this must be disabled here. PaintJet and Canon Laser
You must cancel anything drivers
you setup for the large Font -----------------------------
String (below) here as well. This screen supports five
different groups, one for each
LARGE FONT STRING. This string font type. These can be
sets up the printer to print different fonts and sizes.
the numerological value for You can customize the
each day in the calendar. This technical information for a
is only used for calendar font you have selected by
printing. pressing the key noted in the
section below.
sets up the printer to print MAIN TEXT FONT: This is the
the actual day numbers printed main body text font used by the
in the calendars. bulk of the report.
You must cancel anything
you enable using the Large Font HEADING FONT: This is the font
String First before enabling used folr the heading above
any special printer functions. each section of text. This will
invoke a bold font, so the font
PAGE BREAK STRING. If your used here should refer to a
printer needs a special string bold font.
to be output (for example for a
special feeder), include it BIG CALENDAR FONT: This is the
here. font used in the calendars for
Page 39
the numbers that represent the using soft fonts, you will need
numerological numbers for each to use FONTINFO.EXE and
day. This font is usually MAKEDOWN.EXE to get information
larger than the rest of the about your fonts and create a
fonts used. If you setup a downloader batch file. See the
large main heading font, you section on Utilities to get
will want to setup this font information on these utilities.
large as well. It can be as
large as 24 points. SIZE. Some fonts are available
SMALL CALENDAR FONT: This font in more than one size. The
is used on the calendar fonts you use must support the
printouts for the actual font size you select or the
calendar days. Usually it printout will not be correct. I
should be either the size of don't suggest headline sizes
the main font or smaller. larger than 16 points.
FIXED PITCH FONT: This font is SYMBOL SET TO USE. If you are
used to print the calendar using a HP LaserJet, DeskJet or
grid. This font must support compatible, this field lets you
the DOS extended line drawing elect the symbol set for the
characters. On the HP Laserjet font chosen in the Font name
it should have a PC-8 Symbol field above. When you choose a
Set. This font must be a fixed font the default symbol set is
pitch font such as Courier. selected. The symbol set you
SPECIFIC FIELDS. choose must be supported by the
font cartridge or font loaded.
FONT NAME. Use this field to If you have modified the text
select the font you wish to use source for foreign languages
for your printout. Press {F2} with accents, or are using the
or click the mouse button to Spanish language report
select a font. NUMERO displays version, You must be using a
a list of supported fonts. font which supports the PC-8
Press {ENTER} on the line that symbol set or the characters or
corresponds to the font. accents will be incorrect. This
--------------------------- does not apply to dot matrix
NOTE: You must have this font, printers.
either as a soft font, on a -------------------------------
cartridge or internal font NOTE: If you need to support
before printing. The printout accents and special foreign
uses the regular and bold font characters, NUMERO is able to
as well as italics (if you convert between the normal PC-8
wish). character set and Roman 8,
Fonts marked with (DL) will Windows, ECMA 94, and Ventura
likely need to be downloaded International character sets,
------------------------------- including changes made by
If you choose "CUSTOMIZE" selecting DOS code pages 850
You will be able to use a font (Multilingual Latin 1), 863
not in this screen. If you are (Canadian French) or 863
Page 40
(Nordic). These are recomended SYMBOL SET NAME. This is the
as you will be able to access technical code name for the
all the characters in your symbol set. It must end in a
computer's character set which capital letter.
are in the printer font.
------------------------------- REGULAR WEIGHT. This is the
SYMBOL SET NAME. This is the weight code for the regular
technical name for the symbol weight of the font you want to
set referred to above. Use this use. It is usually 0 for a text
field when you select the weight or -1 for a light
"Other Specify -->" symbol set weight.
choice, specify the actual
symbol set code. The symbol set BOLD WEIGHT. This is the weight
code you enter here must end in code for the bold weight of the
a capital letter. font you want to use. This is
usually three greater than the
CUSTOM FONT. regular weight.
Use this screen to modify the
technical parameters used by AVERAGE CHARACTER WIDTH. This
laser printers. Donot change is the average width of a
any of these parameters unless single character, in decipoints
you understand what you are or 1/10 of a point (a point is
doing. The program FONTINFO.EXE 1/72").
can read your soft fonts and If you can't get this
provide you with the information from FONTINFO
information that you need for because you aren't using a
this screen. You can also get compatible soft font, use a
information from the word processor or other font to
documentation that comes with use the font you want. Type out
your fonts. a line at least five inches
wide of upper and lower case
FONT NAME. This is the name of letters, (mostly lower case).
the font. This is for your Measure the line exactly in
information only, and is not inches. Convert this number to
needed by the printer. a decimal measure. Multiply
FAMILY. This is the font family this number it by 720, and
number. divide it by the number of
characters in the line.
PITCH. This is the pitch of a
fixed font or -1 for a W O R D P R O C E S S O R
proportional font. C O N V E R S I O N S E T U P
SIZE. This is the font size
that you want to use. This screen allows you to
SYMBOL SET. This is the number customize the way NUMERO
of the symbol set that NUMERO converts files to word
uses in the Laser Setup Screen. processing and ASCII format.
This is provided by FONTINFO, The following strings have no
or use 12 to enter your own. effect on word processing
Page 41
conversion other than pseudo
formatted ASCII conversions. C O N T R O L S T R I N G S .
Conversion. This is your
default word processing HEAD ON STRING. This string
conversion. Pick one that your marks the start of main heads
favorite word processor in the file.
supports. You can choose from:
* ASCII (formatted and HEAD OFF STRING. This string
unformated) marks the end of main heads in
* XYWrite the file. This must disable
* WordStar what the Head On String turned
* WordPerfect 4.2 and 5.x on.
* Microsoft Word RTF
If you are using ASCII, you BOLD ON STRING. This string
can eliminate the soft line marks the start of text that is
breaks and only include the emphasized by using bold face
paragraph breaks in the file. in the file.
This should make reformatting
easier once you load the files BOLD OFF STRING. This string
into your word processor. marks the end of bold face in
the file. This must disable the
COLUMN WIDTH. This is the command used in the Bold On
width, in inches. For example, String.
a 6-1/2 inch width you would
enter 6.50. UNDERSCORE ON STRING. This
When converting to certain string marks the beginning of
word processors, this value is underscore or italic text.
converted based on 10 pitch
(characters per inch). UNDERSCORE OFF STRING. This
--------------------------- string marks the end of
NOTE: The file conversion does underscore or italic text. This
not concern itself with fonts. must disable what was enabled
If you are using a laser in the Underscore On String.
printer, you need to set the
font, provide settings and FIXED PITCH FONT STRING. This
reformat the document once you string tells your word
are in your word processing processor to use a fixed pitch
program. font. If you enabled
------------------------------- proportional spacing in the
LEFT INDENT. This is the width, Large Font String (below) or
in inches of the left margin. Small Font String (below), this
For a 1 inch left margin you must be diabled here. You
would enter 1.00. should disable anything you
When converting to enabled with the large Font
certain word processors, this String here as well.
value will be converted based
on 10 pitch . LARGE FONT STRING. This string
marks where the a larger font
Page 42
should be used for the numbers PAGE BREAK STRING. If you needs
in the calendar. This is used a special string at the end of
for the numerological value for the pages, include it here.
each day in the calendar.
SMALL FONT STRING. This string string is output before the
marks where the a smaller font calendar starts printing.
should be used for the days in
the calendar. This is used for END CALENDAR STRING. This
the actual date for each day in string is output after the
the calendar. This must disable calendar is printed. This
anything that the Large Font string should disable anything
String enables first. enabled with the Start Calendar
Page 43
Several different levels of errors can occur when you are using
NUMERO UNO. If an internal error, such as screen errors that may
occur. If these occur, please report them to NUMERO UNO technical
MINOR DATA ENTRY ERRORS. that caused the problem. If you
If you make an error when see '(A)bort' and select it
entering data, NUMERO will NUMERO quits, without properly
beep and will prompt you with a shutting down.
message in the prompt area. When you see one of these
This message tells you about errors, correct the situation,
the error. and make a choice. Make a
choice by pressing the letter
OTHER ERRORS AND WARNINGS. corresponding to the choice.
If a minor error occurs while -------------------------------
you are using NUMERO UNO, a box NOTE: You can also press any
is displayed on the screen and other key to continue. If you
will describe the error to you. use this option you may need to
At the top left of that screen, press the key several times.
NUMERO displays a title saying Eventually you will see an
one of the following: 'A Note error alert box (which you can
From NUMERO UNO...' which is an ignore) and you will return to
extremely minor situation, the screen or menu system.
'Warning!' is a minor situation -------------------------------
that you may need to be warned MEMORY ERRORS.
about, and 'Error!!' is an If you run out of memory there
error situation of a more are two kinds of errors that
serious nature. may occur. The first is a
'Fatal' error. A fatal error
DOS CRITICAL ERRORS. will cause NUMERO to shut down
If a serious system error immediately.
occurs, NUMERO beeps, and an A 'Non-Fatal' error is an
error message is displayed at error that NUMERO can recover
the bottom of the screen. from, though you will not be
NUMERO asks you to choose one able to complete or repeat that
or more of the following: operation without additional
"(I)gnore (R)etry (F)ail memory. A non-fatal error is
(A)bort". displayed at the bottom of the
If you see '(I)nore, can screen much as a 'Critical
ignore the situation and Error', in this case you will
continue. If you see '(R)etry', be asked to just press any key
can correct the situation and to continue.
retry the operation that caused Sometimes memory errors
the error. If you are using DOS happen because the system's
3.0 or later you may see memory has been fragmented,
'(F)ail', in which case you can which means it has been broken
to just fail the DOS operation into too many little pieces to
Page 44
be used. You can solve this switch to a new diskette or
problem by quitting NUMERO and disk drive.
restarting the program, or by
rebooting your system. NOT ENOUGH FILES IN CONFIG.SYS,
SCREEN ERRORS. the Installation
If something goes wrong in one information. This program
of NUMERO's screens, an error requires a minimum of 12
may occur. These errors are files in the CONFIG.SYS, but
Never caused by the user. They 20 is suggested. Your
are always fatal and should be CONFIG.SYS file is located
reported to NUMERO Technical on your boot disk in the
Support at your soonest root or '\' directory. Edit
convenience, along with your this file with a word
system configuration and the processor that can edit
events that caused the error to ASCII format files.
happen. Check your DOS manual for
Many screen errors are more information regarding
minor. However, the program the FILE= entry.
exits whn it encounters this
type of error to prevent a D O S C R I T I C A L
problem from continuing to E R R O R S .
corrupting the system or DOS.
After a screen error DATA CORRUPTED! NUMERO is
occurs, you can restart the trying to read or write a
program. Many of these errors corrupted or damaged disk,
happen due to memory perhaps by a magnetic field
limitations, and are minor. or other damage. Recopy the
The following section disk from the original, and
describes some of the common try again.
errors that might occur and
what can cause them: DEVICE OR PRINTER OUT OF PAPER
OR NOT READY! Your printer
S Y S T E M E R R O R S . might not be turned on, is
out of paper, or the device
FILE OR DIRECTORY DOES NOT you are printing or writing
EXIST! Check to make sure to such as a modem or
the directories and files communication port is not
that this message refers to ready to be used, and may be
exist. Copy the files from off-line or turned off.
your master diskette, or
verify that the information DRIVE NOT READY! The drive door
on the setup screen is is not closed. Close it and
accurate. choose (R)etry.
files on the drive to make is reporting errors as it
room, for more files or reads the data. The data may
Page 45
not be usable. Either UNKNOWN DRIVE OR UNIT! NUMERO
reformat this disk or use is trying to write to a disk
another one. or device that does not
exist. A system error might
ERROR WRITING DATA! Your drive have damaged a device or a
is reporting errors as it part of DOS that you are
writes the data. Either trying to use. If you are
reformat this disk or start sure the disk or device is
with another one. present, reboot your system
and try again. If it still
GENERAL FAILURE! A general is a problem, see a repair
failure has occurred on this technician. Make sure you
disk or device. Try it are specifying the correct
again; reboot, try again, or drive or device.
see a competent repair
technician. This error might UNKNOWN DISK TYPE! Your system
indicate a bad disk, or a does not recognize the type
disk which has not been of diskette you are trying
formatted. to use. For example you
might be trying to use a
TRYING TO WRITE TO WRITE- 1.2M floppy on a 360k
PROTECTED DISK! Remove the system, or trying to use a
disk from the drive and diskette from another
remove the write protect tab computer that uses a
from the disk if you are different operating system.
using a 5-1/4" diskette. If
you are using a 3-1/2"
diskette, check the write
protect tab.
Page 46
This is a Table of the meaning of the Numbers. The text that
NUMERO UNO prints out is all based on these definitions.
1. The number of INDEPENDENCE. 6. The number of FAMILY
This person is a leader, RESPONSIBILITY. This number
innovator. outgoing. Deals deals with relationships,
with self development. Needs families and about responsi-
to learn to be independent. bility. Needs to learn to
willingly accept
2. The number of COOPERATION responsibility.
and FRIENDSHIP. Friendly.
Basically centered on 7. The number of Learning and
dealing with other people in Deeper Thought. It is a very
friendships, relationships. intellectual number. The
Shy and not outgoing. Needs person with this number
to learn to deal with other should not accept other's
people. beliefs and truths without
questioning them.
3. The number of SELF
EXPRESSION. Fun to be with. 8. The Number of Business. This
Outgoing and creative. A number deals with profes-
person with this number sionalism, preparation and
dresses well. This number is organization. The person
related to one's self with this number needs to
expression. learn about success and
4. The number of WORK. The
bedrock of the community. 9. This is the Number of
This person works hard, and Selflessness. The person
may be dull and narrow- with this number indicates
minded. Needs to learn to needs to care about others
enjoy work. and love them
5. The number of FREEDOM and
EXPERIENCE. Outgoing, and
creative. This number deals
with freedom and experience.
Needs to learn how to deal
with freedom.
Page 47
11. This Number is the 22. This number is the Master
Limelight. A person under Builder. A person under this
this influence could be influence could do anything
famous. This number suggests they can dream of, and
spirituality and shoule think in terms of big
inspiration. projects.
This is a Master Number. This is a Master Number.
If the potential of this If the potential of this
number is not dealt with it, number is not dealt with it,
will turn into the energy of will turn into the energy of
the number 2. the number 4.
Page 48
Campbell, Florence M.A., Your Days Are
Numbered, A Manual of Numerology for
Everybody. Marina del Rey, CA: DeVors
Publications, 1931, 1958.
Jordan, Juno, Numerology, The Romance in Your
Name. Marina del Rey, CA: DeVors
Publications, 1965, 1988, 1978, 1989.
Roquemore, Kathleen, It's All In Your
Numbers, The Secrets of Numerology, New
York, Perennial Library, Harper & Row
Publishers, 1965.
Page 49